Person ・ AU Characters

Denisil (Flight Rising)

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Raised in the ramshackle town of Cinderslag, Denisil was no stranger to hard work. He lived a simple life there, hauling tonnes of black ore and rare metal from deep within the burning rock. He might have gone on doing that forever, had he not made powerful enemies thanks to his public support of the Magmablood Rebuke.

He doesn't go into the details of the night he fled the Ashfall Waste. He doesn't need to. The scars are proof enough of what happened- his open call for rebellion was considered a transgression worthy of robbing him of flight.

His life now is arguably better in all ways- he's paid a fair wage, given time to rest and recuperate, and treated with respect befitting his years of experience. He takes his job as foreman seriously, keeping an expert eye on all goings-on at or around the Guild's current dig site. Despite all of this, Denisil often cannot help but turn his gaze southward, searching the horizon for the familiar ash clouds of home.

Someday, he'll return... and when he does, he'll make them pay.